Charles R. Ragan (“Chuck”) has a solo ADR neutral practice based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and serves as Of Counsel with Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. He began the practice of law with Pillsbury Madison & Sutro in San Francisco, was based in the firm’s Silicon Valley office for several years and litigated across a spectrum of complex commercial disputes (including antitrust, contract, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, and securities matters) in federal and state courts and international arbitration venues. Through his work with Chief Judge Peckham and Magistrate Judge Brazil in the Northern District of California, Chuck was at the forefront of the national Alternative Dispute Resolution movement.
Since Chuck left the Pillsbury firm, he has focused on his work as a neutral and as a thought leader in the field of information law.
Chuck has been appointed as sole, party-appointed wing, or presiding arbitrator in approximately 50 arbitrations under the auspices of the ICC, AAA, or ICDR. In addition, he is on the Technology List of the Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center, a panelist with FedArb Inc., is on the e-discovery special master list for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, is a panelist with American College of e-Neutrals ( and has been a member of neutrals’ panels sponsored by CPR (the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution).
Chuck partnered with Jonathan Redgrave in 2005 to launch the first international information law firm (Redgrave Daley Ragan & Wagner) and served as Senior Counsel with Redgrave LLP from February 2016 until March 2023. Through his work with The Sedona Conference® since 2002, Chuck has participated in the rational development of principles and norms for information governance and e-discovery and contributed to many of the Conference’s significant works.
For several years, Chuck has taught courses on eDiscovery (at University of California, Hastings College of the Law, now UC Law San Francisco) and Hamline School of Law (now William Mitchell) and on Information Governance (at the University of Minnesota Law School). He is a graduate of Princeton University and Fordham Law School where he was Editor-in-Chief of the Law Review. He is admitted to the state bars in California, Minnesota, and New York, as well as in several federal courts.
Chuck has written and presented frequently – in the U.S. and abroad – for more than 35 years in the areas of international dispute resolution, mediation, and arbitration as well as information governance, electronic discovery, privacy and security. Among his publications and contributions are the following:
- Cyber-Liability for the C-Suite: Mitigating the Risks of Senior Management (and Potentially Directors) Being Held Personally Accountable for Data Breach Incidents, The Circuit Rider, the Journal of the Seventh Circuit Bar Association, 28 (May 2023) (co-author).
- It’s 10 p.m. Do you know how secure your data is?, March 21, 2023, see
- Death By a Thousand Scans? Illinois Supreme Court Says that Claims Under BIPA Accrue Early – and Again and Again, Redgrave LLP Client Alert (February 23, 2023). See
- Updated ISO Standards Require Enhanced Information Governance (published by Bloomberg Law, January 2023) (co-author). See
- Act Now or Pay Later: The Case for Defensible Disposition of Data (Thompson Reuters, Practical Law Article, published December 2022) (co-author). See
- New ISO Information Governance Standard Can Help Fuel Organization Initiatives (Redgrave Client Alert, October 2022). See
- Cooperation in the Discovery Process After the Sedona Conference Proclamation, Bloomberg Law (September 2022) (co-author). See
- The Keys to a Better Privilege Logging Paradigm, Law 360 (Sept. 23, 2020) (co-author). See
- The Ballad of the Sad Non-Party: Practical Guidance for True Non-Parties Handling Documents Subpoenas (2020 co-author),
- Restructuring Planning: Information Governance – Top Ten List (2020 co-author),
- The Sedona Principles: Best Practices Recommendations & Principles for Addressing Electronic Document Production, Third Edition, 19 Sedona Conf. J. 1 (2018 drafting team and editorial style committee member),
- “Ostriches Beware: E-Discovery Ethics in Social Media,” Law 360 (July 13, 2015) (co-author).
- “A Wake-Up Call to Counsel re: ESI Discovery,” Law 360 (September 11, 2014) (co-author).
- “In Practice: Avoiding the Digital Dark Age and Remaining Competitive,” NACD Directorship, National Association of Corporate Directors (May/June 2014).
- “Information Governance: It’s a Duty and It’s Smart Business,” 19 Richmond J. Law & Tech. 1, (2013), available at
- The Sedona Conference Commentary on Information Governance, 15 Sedona Conf. J. 125 (2014 drafting team member).
- “Reevaluating the Rules for Discovery,” LA Daily Journal (May 21, 2010) (co-author).
- “The Case for Cooperation,” 10 Sedona Conf. J. 339 (2009 Supp. contributing editor).
- “Discover New E-Worlds: International Arbitration Can Thrive Despite E-discovery’s Challenges,” Legal Times (April 22, 2008, co-author).
- The Sedona Principles: Best Practices Recommendations & Principles for Addressing Electronic Document Production, 2nd ed. (2007), Annotated Edition (BNA) (co-managing editor; also co-managing editor for the 2004 and 2005 annotated editions).
- “Competence and credibility in e-discovery,” Trial magazine (2007 co-author).
- “Arthur Andersen’s Victory Too Little, Too Late – What Lessons Others Can Take from Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States,” International Law Committee Newsletter, ABA Tort & Insurance Practice Section (Spring 2006 co-author).
- The Sedona Guidelines: Best Practice Guidelines & Commentary for Managing Information & Records in the Electronic Age (2005) (co-editor-in-chief).
- “Document Retention – The Law and Practice Around the World,” PLC Cross Border (July 2005) (co-author of US section).
- “Using ADR in Japan to Resolve Disputes Between Japanese and American Companies,” Alternatives, Volume 11, Number 7 (July 1993) (published by CPR).
- “Emerging Dispute Resolution Techniques in the Pacific Basin,” 9 Arbitration International, Number 2 (1993).
- ” Chapter 12: Arbitration in Japan,” Private Investments Abroad: Problems and Solutions in International Business (1991) (proceedings of Southwestern Legal Foundation, 1990).
- “Arbitration in Japan: Caveat Foreign Drafter and Other Lessons,” 7 Arbitration International (1991).
- “Two-Stage ADR Ends Fuel Case,” Alternatives, Volume 8 (September 1990) (co-author).
- Admitted to the Bar in California (from 1976), Minnesota (from 2006) and New York (from 1975), Current
- CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, panelist on multiple panels, 1996 – 2015
- American Arbitration Association, panelist (Mediation, from 2001; Commercial Arbitration (including Large and Complex), from 1986, and International Arbitration, from 1997), 1986 – Present
- FedArb, Inc., panelist (Electronic Discovery and other specialized panels), 2011 – Present
- U.S. Council for International Business (ICC), panelist, (Arbitration), 2013 – Present
- Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center, Tech List panelist, 2015 – Present
- U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, E-discovery Special Masters panelist, 2013 – Present
- American College of e-Neutrals (, panelist, 2011 – 2021
- International Bar Association
Chair of ADR Subcommittee to Committee D (Dispute Resolution) 1996-2000, 1989 – 2016 - U.S. District Court, Northern District of California
Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group, 1995-1999
ADR Rules Committee (2008)
Lawyer Delegate to the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference (1985-1991) - The Sedona Conference, 2002 – Present
- Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals, 2023 – Present
- “Developments in International Arbitration: Keeping the Promises of a New Era?” sponsored by the ICC USA/USCIB, (Nov. 13, 2019, Minneapolis, MN) (panelist).
- The Sedona Conference, panelist regarding proposed updates and revisions for The Sedona Principles, 3rd ed. (April 2015, August 2015 (webinar), October 2015, and April 2016).
- 11th Annual Georgetown Advanced EDiscovery Institute, “Information Governance in a Big Data World,” panelist (McLean VA, November 2014).
- The Sedona Conference Annual Meeting, “The Sedona Principles – Proposed Updates and Revisions,” panelist (New Orleans LA, November 2014).
- The Sedona Conference Institute, “Information Governance,” panelist (New Orleans LA, November 2014).
- 2014 EDI Leadership Summit, “What’s Driving Enterprise Information Governance Programs,” moderator (Ft. Lauderdale FL, October 2014).
- Minnesota CLE webcast, “The New Law Series: The Future of Big Data, Privacy and the Law,” co-presenter (September 2014).
- AAA/ICDR webinar, “Discovery in Arbitration – Practical Advice for Domestic and International Success,” co-presenter (August 2014).
- Minnesota CLE webcast, “Information Governance: Litigation Readiness for the 21st Century,” co-presenter (May 2014).
- AMRA/The Sedona Conference, “Information Governance Executive Conference,” panelist (multiple sessions) (Amelia Island FL, April 2014).
- Twin Cities ARMA, “Information Governance: Making the Case and Getting Started,” presenter (Minneapolis MN, February 2014).
- 10th Annual Georgetown Advanced eDiscovery Institute, “Information Governance and the ‘Not Me’ Conundrum: The Nuts and Bolts of Building an Effective IG Program,” panelist (Washington DC, November 2013).
- The Sedona Conference Annual Meeting, panelist regarding proposals to revise The Sedona Principles, 2d ed. (Fall 2013).
- William Mitchell School of Law Legal Symposium, “Minnesota E-Discovery Working Group 1 – An Electronic Discovery Primer: Recognizing the eDiscovery Realities in Your Cases,” co-presenter (October 2013).
- Minnesota State Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, “Walking the Tightrope — How to Balance the Increasing Production Obligation in the Digital Age and the Risk of Sanctions from Failing to Produce or Preserve,” panelist (Minneapolis MN, June 2012).
- CPR Institute Regional CLE Series: Chicago, “Topics in Mediation and Arbitration – E-Discovery: Cost and Containment,” co-presenter (April 2011).
- Association of Corporate Counsel webcast, “The Business of E-Discovery: Producing Results While Controlling Costs and Mitigating Risk,” panelist (August 2009).
- Strafford Publications webinar, “E-Discovery in Arbitration: Lessons from the Trenches: Procedures for Managing Electronically Stored Information to Achieve Efficient Resolution,” panelist (December 2008).
- PLI Electronic Discovery and Retention Guidance for Corporate Counsel, “ESI Ethical Issues,” presenter (Chicago IL, October 2008).
- Juris Conferences LLC Electronic Evidence Section – Disclosure in International Arbitration, “Whither E-disclosure in International Arbitration,” panelist and moderator (New York City NY, January 2008; and London England, October 2008).
- Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, “E-Records and E-Discovery: A Mini-Sedona Conference Seminar,” panelist (San Francisco CA, August 2008).
- University of Texas School of Law E-Discovery Workshop, panelist (multiple sessions) (Austin TX, October 2007).
- 28th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute CLE on E-Discovery and Record Preservation, “’ESI’ Is Coming in Less than Nine Months: Do You Know Where Your Data Is?” presenter (Houston TX, April 2006; and Dallas TX, May 2006).
- Financial Markets Association Securities Compliance Seminar, “Records Management: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees,” panelist (San Francisco CA, April 2006).
- IQPC’s E Discovery Real World Solutions and Practical Strategies in a Complex and Challenging Environment, “Forging the Bridge to Success – How to Go from ‘Bright Idea’ to ‘Action Plan’ to ‘Implementation’ of a Viable Information and Document Retention Program,” panelist (Miami FL, February 2006).
- Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia’s 6th Annual Civil Litigation Conference, “Discovery Issues in the Era of Electronic Documents,” presenter (Vancouver BC, November 2005).
- 50th Anniversary Conference of ARMA International, “Mini Sedona” presentation and update on The Sedona Guidelines, moderator (Chicago IL, September 2005).
- Corporate Counsel Advanced Forum on Document Management and E-Discovery, “Managing Costs, Exposures and Liabilities While Fulfilling Your Legal Obligations,” presenter (New York NY, September 2005).
- The Sedona Conference WGS Audio Update, “Rules Tomorrow, Guidance Today: The state of play of the Federal Rules amendment proposals post-Standing Committee action on June 16, and the impact of Arthur Andersen and Morgan Stanley,” co-presenter (June 2005).
- State Bar of California Conference “Intellectual Property Litigation Issues for In-House Counsel – Surviving E-Discovery,” presenter (San Jose CA, April 2005).
- LegalTech, “How to Manage the Costs Associated with E-Discovery,” moderator (Los Angeles CA, June 2004).
- Managing Electronic Records Conference, “Sedona Guidelines: Best Practices for Managing Information and Records in the Digital World,” presenter (Chicago IL, May 2004).
- DRI Conference Workshop, “Practical Strategies for Dealing with Your Clients’ Litigation Response Plans,” panelist (New York NY, April 2004).
- Managing Electronic Records Conference, panelist (electronic document retention policies) (Chicago IL, September 2003).
- ABA Conference Young Lawyers Division – Committee on ADR, “Doing Business in the 21st Century; ADR in the Pacific Rim,” panelist (August 1989).
- Institute for Transnational Arbitration, commentator (Summer 1989).
- ABA International Litigation and Arbitration, “Practical Issues and Modern Arbitration,” presenter (1987).
- Ragan Law Firm, August 2011 – Present
- Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A., March 2023 – Present
- Redgrave LLP, February 2016 – March 22, 2023
- University of Minnesota School of Law, Adjunct Prof., March 2012 – 2020
- UC Hastings (now UC Law San Francisco), Adjunct Prof., October 2013 – March 2023
- Hamline University, Adjunct Prof., May 2014 – 2016
- Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP, Special Counsel, January 2014 – 2015
- Huron Consulting Group, Managing Director, March 2009 – July 2011
- Redgrave Daley Ragan & Wagner LLP, Managing Partner, October 2005 – April 2009
- Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Associate/Partner, July 1976 – October 2005
- Law Clerk to Hon. R. J. Aldisert, U.S. Court of Appeals for 3d Circuit, 1974-1976
- The Associated Press, N.Y. Bureau, Reporter and Editor, 1968 (summer), 1969-1972
- The Sedona Conference’s e-Discovery Dispute Resolution Program for Special Masters and Mediators, panelist (multiple sessions), January 2010
- JAMS neutrals training video regarding electronic discovery, panelist, April 2009
- Electronic Discovery at Neutrals’ Conference of American Arbitration Association, presenter at multiple sessions, January 2009
- Juris conferences in New York (January) and London (October) on Electronic Evidence and Disclosure in International Arbitration, moderator and panelist, 2008
- J.D. Fordham University, cum laude; Law Review Editor-in-Chief (1974)
- A.B. Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs (1969)